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Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist, by Brad Feld

Bücher Herunterladen Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist, by Brad Feld
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"When I was a founder, VCs hoarded information about how venture capital terms worked to stack the deck in their favor. Along came Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson who started giving away the game by publishing how things worked on their blog. Now you can have all this information provided in an easy and concise format that evens the playing field." - Mark Suster, General Partner, Upfront Ventures "Ventures Deals has historically been our go to book for entrepreneurs on fund raising. It is a must read for anyone who is embarking on the fundraising process and now we are delighted that it has been updated for the current fundraising environment with all the changes that have happened the past few years." - Bill Aulet, Managing Director, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship "Having worked with Brad and Jason during the Internet bubble, I witnessed first-hand the experience they gained by doing deals that covered the entire range of issues an entrepreneur faces today. This is a must-read for both entrepreneurs and investors as it lets each side understand the terminology, structures and potential issues inherent in venture deals so they can focus on what really matters, regardless of which side they are on. Every entrepreneur who is raising or considering raising venture capital should read this book!" - Heidi Roizen, Operating Partner, DFJ "Feld and Mendelson pack a graduate-level course into this energetic and accessible book. The authors' frank style and incisive insight make this a must-read for high-growth company entrepreneurs, early-stage investors, and graduate students. Start here if you want to understand venture capital deal structure and strategies. I enthusiastically recommend." - Brad Bernthal, CU Boulder, Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Technology Policy, Entrepreneurial Law "Brad and Jason are undoubtedly among the most authentic VCs in the industry today. This book goes far beyond the nuts and bolts of term sheets and venture capital to give invaluable insights into the importance of building relationships based on trust. I'll definitely be recommending this book to all Kauffman Fellows and to every entrepreneur I meet across the world." - Jeff Harbach, President and CEO, Kauffman Fellows "I have been lucky to have Brad Feld as a mentor as a VC, and watch him advise companies as a board member. Venture Deals is your chance to get some of that advice and wisdom applied to your own startup. Don't miss the opportunity." - Jeff Clavier, Managing Partner, SoftTech VC "One of the most practical books on venture capital. Every entrepreneur (and their lawyer) should own a copy" - Mike Platt, Colorado Partner-in-Charge -- Cooley LLP "We've worked with Brad & Jason through the highs and lows and highs of a number technology investments. When risk takers share insight, read it. In the case of Brad and Jason, read it twice. We love their refreshing comfort with maximizing risk in the spirit of creating meaningful impact." - Tony Conrad, founder / CEO, About.me and Partner, True Ventures "Even if your lawyer or VC has done a lot of deals, you should read this book. Nothing hurts a company more than a bad deal structure usually not discovered until a year or two later. This will allow you to look for the pot holes and avoid a lot of pain." - Lesa Mitchell, Managing Director, Techstars Kansas City "My biggest nightmare is taking advantage of an entrepreneur without even realizing it. It happens because VCs are experts in financings and most entrepreneurs are not. Brad and Jason are out to fix that problem with Venture Deals. This book is long overdue and badly needed." - Fred Wilson, Managing Partner, Union Square Ventures "A must-read book for entrepreneurs. Brad and Jason demystify the overly complex world of term sheets and M&A, cutting through the legalese and focusing on what really matters. That's a good thing not just for entrepreneurs, but also for venture capitalists, angels, and lawyers. Having an educated entrepreneur on the other side of the table means you spend your time negotiating the important issues and ultimately get to the right deal faster." - Greg Gottesman, Managing Director, Madrona Venture Group "Venture Deals is a must-read for any entrepreneur contemplating or currently leading a venture-backed company. Brad and Jason are highly respected investors who shoot straight from the hip and tell it like it is, bringing a level of transparency to a process that is rarely well understood. It's like having a venture capitalist as a best friend who is looking out for your best interests and happy to answer all of your questions." - Emily Mendell, Vice President of Communications, National Venture Capital Association
“When I was a founder, VCs hoarded information about how venture capital terms worked to stack the deck in their favor. Along came Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson who started giving away the game by publishing how things worked on their blog. Now you can have all this information provided in an easy and concise format that evens the playing field.” - Mark Suster, General Partner, Upfront Ventures “Ventures Deals has historically been our go to book for entrepreneurs on fund raising. It is a must read for anyone who is embarking on the fundraising process and now we are delighted that it has been updated for the current fundraising environment with all the changes that have happened the past few years.” - Bill Aulet, Managing Director, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship “Having worked with Brad and Jason during the Internet bubble, I witnessed first-hand the experience they gained by doing deals that covered the entire range of issues an entrepreneur faces today. This is a must-read for both entrepreneurs and investors as it lets each side understand the terminology, structures and potential issues inherent in venture deals so they can focus on what really matters, regardless of which side they are on. Every entrepreneur who is raising or considering raising venture capital should read this book!” - Heidi Roizen, Operating Partner, DFJ "Feld and Mendelson pack a graduate-level course into this energetic and accessible book. The authors' frank style and incisive insight make this a must-read for high-growth company entrepreneurs, early-stage investors, and graduate students. Start here if you want to understand venture capital deal structure and strategies. I enthusiastically recommend." - Brad Bernthal, CU Boulder, Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Technology Policy, Entrepreneurial Law “Brad and Jason are undoubtedly among the most authentic VCs in the industry today. This book goes far beyond the nuts and bolts of term sheets and venture capital to give invaluable insights into the importance of building relationships based on trust. I’ll definitely be recommending this book to all Kauffman Fellows and to every entrepreneur I meet across the world.” - Jeff Harbach, President and CEO, Kauffman Fellows “I have been lucky to have Brad Feld as a mentor as a VC, and watch him advise companies as a board member. Venture Deals is your chance to get some of that advice and wisdom applied to your own startup. Don’t miss the opportunity.” - Jeff Clavier, Managing Partner, SoftTech VC “One of the most practical books on venture capital. Every entrepreneur (and their lawyer) should own a copy” - Mike Platt, Colorado Partner-in-Charge — Cooley LLP "We've worked with Brad & Jason through the highs and lows and highs of a number technology investments. When risk takers share insight, read it. In the case of Brad and Jason, read it twice. We love their refreshing comfort with maximizing risk in the spirit of creating meaningful impact." - Tony Conrad, founder / CEO, About.me and Partner, True Ventures “Even if your lawyer or VC has done a lot of deals, you should read this book. Nothing hurts a company more than a bad deal structure usually not discovered until a year or two later. This will allow you to look for the pot holes and avoid a lot of pain.” - Lesa Mitchell, Managing Director, Techstars Kansas City "My biggest nightmare is taking advantage of an entrepreneur without even realizing it. It happens because VCs are experts in financings and most entrepreneurs are not. Brad and Jason are out to fix that problem with Venture Deals. This book is long overdue and badly needed." - Fred Wilson, Managing Partner, Union Square Ventures "A must-read book for entrepreneurs. Brad and Jason demystify the overly complex world of term sheets and M&A, cutting through the legalese and focusing on what really matters. That's a good thing not just for entrepreneurs, but also for venture capitalists, angels, and lawyers. Having an educated entrepreneur on the other side of the table means you spend your time negotiating the important issues and ultimately get to the right deal faster." - Greg Gottesman, Managing Director, Madrona Venture Group "Venture Deals is a must-read for any entrepreneur contemplating or currently leading a venture-backed company. Brad and Jason are highly respected investors who shoot straight from the hip and tell it like it is, bringing a level of transparency to a process that is rarely well understood. It's like having a venture capitalist as a best friend who is looking out for your best interests and happy to answer all of your questions." - Emily Mendell, Vice President of Communications, National Venture Capital Association
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Gebundene Ausgabe: 304 Seiten
Verlag: Wiley; Auflage: 3. (3. Januar 2017)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1119259754
ISBN-13: 978-1119259756
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
15,7 x 2,8 x 23,1 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
4 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 32.636 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Your search for a great Explanation on how Term Sheets are structured and what the clauses mean Ends right here! This book gives you all the Explanation required to negotiate with potential Investors.
Das Buch beschreibt für den Nichtfachmann, wie Venture Capital-Verträge funktionieren und was für den Gründer dabei zu beachten ist, um nicht nachher ohne Geld und geklauter Idee dazustehen. Lesenswert!
This book explained all bits and bytes about how venture capitalists think, what to be prepared for in the negotiations and so on. A real keeper and a must read for an entrepreneur.
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